Understanding Text Classification Using Label Names Only: A Language Model Self-Training Approach

In this article we will be discussing the research paper on text classficiation using label names. The research paper is titled: Text Classification Using Label Names Only: A Language Model Self-Training Approach and it is published in the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2020. The research paper is available here So far, text classification has seen a huge succes in the NLP domain with the help of huge chunks of labelled data that is fed on to the models for training purposes....

January 16, 2023 · 3 min · Nihar Sanda

Journey of 66 Days of Data

What is #66daysofdata? #66DaysOfData was started by a famous youtuber named Ken Jee. For 66 days, everyday you have to learn something related to Data Science for a minimum of 5 minutes (5 minutes since one cannot be free for a long time everyday) and then share it on social media. This idea was taken up by the Data Science and Artifical Intelligence (DSAI) Society of IIIT Dharwad to start this initiative for the students of IIIT Dharwad....

February 17, 2022 · 4 min · Nihar Sanda

Fruits Image Classifier using VGG16

December 28, 2021 · 0 min · Nihar Sanda

Understanding Grammar Error Correction in Morphologically Rich Languages

In this article we will be discussing the research paper on grammar error correction in morphologically rich languages especially in Russian Languages. The research paper is titled: The Grammar Error Correction in Morphologically Rich Languages: The Case of Russian and it is published in the Journal of Language Technology. The research paper is available here Rozovskaya and Roth 2019, uses a corpus of the Russian Learner Corpus of Academic Writing (RULEC, 560K words) which is written by students in United States learning Russian....

December 28, 2021 · 3 min · Nihar Sanda